Amarbayasgalant Monastery

Amarbayasgalant Monastery in north Mongolia

Amarbayasgalant Monastery is a wonderful choice for exploring the cultural and historical richness of Mongolia. Located in the Selenge Province, approximately 360 km north of Ulaanbaatar, it offers a peaceful and picturesque setting. Here’s some information to help you plan your trip: Remember to check the latest travel advisories and plan your trip accordingly. Enjoy…

Tsaatan tribes
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Tsaatan tribes in northern Mongolia (Also known as Reindeer herders)

The Tsaatan, also known as the Dukha or Reindeer Herders, are a unique community residing in the northernmost region of Mongolia. Nestled in the Khuvsgul and Selenge provinces, they have preserved their traditional semi-nomadic lifestyle centered around reindeer herding. The Tsaatan people rely on their herds for sustenance, transportation, and cultural significance. They have a…